
We encourage you to get information through original content

Mark Words on the web page

Mark and save the words you don't understand while browsing a web page on Medium, CNN, Twitter, Reddit, or any web page.

a snapshot to show mark word

Youtube videos' subtitles/CC

Mark the words on the Youtube videos' subtitles/CC. Auto-mark, auto-saved.
Learn English words while watching Youtube videos.

Mark the words on the Youtube videos' subtitles/CC

Mark on PDF File

You can mark words on a pdf file, review the words that are auto-marked. Novels, papers, e-books, etc.

Besides, you can mark the subtitles of Youtube videos. Vocabulary learning with Youtube video.

a snapshot to show marking on pdf file

Reinforce Word

If the marked words appear on another web page or pdf file, it would be auto-marked.
You can review and track it again. Repeat, repeat.

a snapshot to show auto-mark word

Calendar Vocabulary

Vocabulary collection makes you have an overview. Keep all your vocabulary in one place! Print the list as your new vocabulary paper.

Words Calendar list

Import/Export Vocabulary

Import your own vocabulary (GRE, HiSET, PRAXIS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.) list. It will be auto-marked if these words appear on any page or pdf. You can review them in any other context.

A snapshot on importing custom vocabulary

Sentence Snapshot

Word sentence snapshot makes you recall the word. Memorize it easily in the context sentence. More efficient.

Sentence snapshot Picture

Instant dictionary

Instant translations of any new words on any website. The definition, audio, just mark or mouse enter the word, save your time. Easy dictionary.

Instant dictionary

Word frequency

You can know which word is important to you.

Word frequency


Practice and master your vocabulary sets that you marked by flashcards each day.

Words's flashcards

Email reminder

You can review the marked words with everyday email reminders.

Email reminder

Cloud auto-sync

Sync the words to any computer that supports Chrome, such as your office computer, personal computer, etc.

Sync on multiple PC devices

Review Anywhere

You can use Words App that you can install on your phone. It's like a phone app. You can review the words that you marked or add new words with the Words App.

Review collected on the phone

Easy to use, friendly on your webpage
